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Weekly Dev Update: 4/7/14

I've been sending weekly updates to the Darknet mailing list for some time, but I realized that they're impossible to find if you weren't already subscribed! So, I'm going to start posting weekly updates here on the dev blog. This is a good week to start, since there's a lot to report:

1) The Darknet flavor demo (sent to this list last week) is now publicly available. This week's dev blog expands on the purpose and creation of the demo, if you're especially curious.

2) Darknet is now on Steam Greenlight! Give it a vote if you'd like to see the game on Steam someday.

3) I had a chat with Reverend Kyle from Road to VR last week. Check out the podcast if you'd like to hear it.

4) A whole bunch of video playthroughs of the demo are now out on YouTube! If you don't have a Rift, you can experience it vicariously through one of them:

5) I'll be demoing Darknet and chatting with folks at the VRLA launch event tonight. Stop by and say hi if you're in Los Angeles! Also, don't forget that Darknet will be at PAX East next weekend as part of the Indie MINIBOOTH.

- E McNeill

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